
新訳伊蘇普物語 対照表

新訳伊蘇普物語 対照表

新訳伊蘇普物語: 上田萬年 訳 梶田半古 画 鍾美堂書店 明治40年11月 1907年
Croxall: Aesop and Others by Samuel Croxall  14th edition 1788
L'Estrange: Fables of Aesop and other Eminent Mythologists.
by Sir Roger L'Estrange London 1699.
意: 意拾喩言 Esop's Fables Mun mooy Seen-Shang, His Pupil Sloth. (Robert Thom) 1840
Pe: Aesopica Ben Edwin Perry

漢訳イソップ集 内田慶市 編著 ユニウス
イソップ資料 創刊号 2011.3 吉見孝夫
イソップ寓話 中務哲郎 訳 岩波文庫

L'Estrange は、1-201 までを、Aesop の寓話、 202 以降をその他の作家の寓話と分類している。
新訳伊蘇普物語は、 Croxall 196話と、L'Estrange 1-201 で網羅される。

no. 新訳伊蘇普物語 no. Croxall no. L'Estrange Pe
001 狼と小羊 002 The Wolf and the Lamb. 003 A Wolf and a Lamb. 01 155
002 驢馬と無尾猿とむぐら鼠

026 An Asse, an Ape, and a Mole.

003 獅子一匹と牛五匹 052 The Lion and the Four Bulls. 236 A Lyon and Bulls.
004 蛙と狐 043 The Frog and the Fox.

005 薊食いの驢馬 163 The Ass eating Thistles.

006 母雲雀と子雲雀 038 The Lark and her Young Ones. 052 A Lark and her Young Ones.
007 鶏と狐 193 The Cock and the Fox.

008 烏と羊 184 The Jackdaw and the Sheep. 077 A Sheep and a Crow. 69 553
009 井のなかの狐 166 The Fox in the Well. 410 A Fox and a Wolf.

010 盗と其の母親 119 The Boy and his Mother. 098 A Boy and his Mather. 67 200
011 狼と羊 161 The Wolves and the Sheep 045 A League betwixt
the Wolves and the Sheep.
50 153
012 蟹と蛇

154 A Snake and a Crab.
013 鷲と狐 013 The Eagle and the Fox. 072 An Eagle and a Fox.
014 蜜壷と黄蜂

126 Wasps in a Honey Pot
015 羊の皮を着た狼 160 The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing. 328 A Wolfe in a Sheeps-Skin.
016 商人になつた牧羊者 187 The Shephered turned Merchant. 099 A Shepherd turn'd Merchant.
017 鳥刺と蝮 152 The Fowler and the Ringdove. 066 A Fowler and a Pigeon.
018 蚊と獅子

201 A Gnat Challenges a Lion. 11 255
019 牝豚と狼 153 The Sow and the Wolf. 022 A Wolf and a Sow 63 547
020 葡萄園 139 The Husbandman and his Sons. 108 A Father and his Sons. 55 42
021 乗馬とロバ 138 The Horse and the Ass. 038 A Horse and an Asse. 42 565
022 獅子と驢馬 

cf. 014 The Boar and the Ass. 010 A Lion and a Asse 10 cf.484
023 狼と仔羊と山羊 020 The Lamb brought up by a Goat. 060 A Wolfe, a Lamb, and a Goat.
024 占星者と旅人

094 An Astrologer and a Traveller.
025 鳶と鳩 016 The Kite and the Pigeons. 020 The Kite, Hawk, and Pigeons.
026 家鼠と山鼠 035 The Country-Mouse
and the City-Mouse.
011 A City Mouse
and a Country Mouse.
08 352
027 燕と亜麻 157 The Swallow and other Birds. 018 A Swallow and other Birds.
028 海狸(かいり) 062 The Hunted Beaver. 089 A Hunted Bever.
029 猫と狐 060 The Cat and the Fox. 374 A Fox and a Cat.
030 猫と鼠 088 The Cat and the Mice. 115 A Cat and Mice.
031 獅子と他の獣 006 The Lion and other Beasts. 007 A Lion, an Ass, &c. a Hunting. 06 339
032 獅子と鼠 031 The Lion and the Mouse. 016 A Lion and a Mouse. 47 150
033 売卜者(うらないしや)

092 A Fortune-Teller. 79 161
034 不運な結婚 032 The Fatal Marriage.

035 鵯と捕鳥者 085 The Fowler and the Blackbird. 096 A Fowler and a Black-Bird.
036 狂犬 044 The Mischievous Dog. 226 A Curst Dog.
(Dog with a Bell.)

037 水神と木樵 109 Mercury and the Woodman. 128 Mercury and a Carpenter.
038 牛と蛙 011 The Proud Frog. 035 A Frog and an Oxe. 21 376
039 山羊と葡萄 171 The Hart and the Vine. 149 A Goat and a Vine.
040 狐と獅子 136 The Fox and the Lion. 071 A Fox and a Lyon.
041 犬と狼

119 A Dog and a Wolf. 12 134
042 猿と狐 123 The Ape and the Fox. 051 An Ape and a Fox.
043 犬と屠者

059 A Dog and a Butcher.
044 鶏と玉 001 The Cock and the Jewel. 001 A Cock and a Diamond. 02 503
045 守銭奴 079 The Covetous Man. 146 A Miser Burying his Gold.
046 犬と馬槽 129 The Dog in the Manger. 076 A Dog in a Manger. 32 702
047 猟犬と番犬

172 A Hound and a Mastiff.
048 鳥と獣と蝙蝠 125 The Birds, the Beasts, and the Bat. 040 A Bat, Birds, and Beasts.
049 狐と虎 051 The Fox and the Tiger. 235 A Tyger and a Fox.
050 牝獅子と狐 068 The Lioness and the Fox. 122 A Lyoness and a Fox.
051 樫と蘆 050 The Oak and the Reed. 215 An Oak and a Willow. 71 70
052 蝙蝠と鼬

039 A Bat and a Weazle.
053 鳶と蛙と鼠 168 The Frog and the Mouse. 004 A Frog and a Mouse.

054 二疋の蛙 078 The Two Frogs. 142 Two Frogs that wanted Water.
055 風と太陽 041 The Wind and the Sun. 223 The Sun and the Wind. 54 46
056 蛙の王国 003 The Frogs desiring a King. 019 The Frogs Chuse a King. 48 44
057 烏と蛤

012 A Crow and a Muscle.
058 婆さんと下女 147 The Old Woman and her Maids. 209 A Woman and her Maids.
059 狐と兎

079 A Fox and a Hare to Jupiter.

060 獅子と熊と狐 141 The Lion, the Bear, and the Fox. 005 A Lion and a Bear. 03 147
061 神と蜜蜂

125 Jupiter and a Bee.
062 鴉と水瓶 053 The Crow and the Pitcher. 239 A Crow and a Pitcher.
063 大きな約束

111 Large Promises.
064 山豕と蛇 149 The Porcupine and the Snakes.

065 寡婦と雌鶏

087 A Woman and a fat Hen
066 兎と蛙 030 The Hares and the Frogs. 027 The Hares and the Frogs.
067 狐と狼 167 The Fox and the Wolf 042 A Wolfe and a Fox
068 犬と羊 130 The Dog and the Sheep. 029 A Dog, a Sheep, and a Wolf. 64 478
069 孔雀と鶴 049 The Peacock and the Crane. 234 A Peacock and a Crane.
070 蝮蛇と鑢 023 The Viper and the File. 044 A Snake and a File. 49 93
071 驢馬と獅子と鶏 122 The Ass, the Lion, and the Cock. 150 An Ass, a Lion, and a Cock.
072 鴉と孔雀 004 The vain Jack-Daw.

073 蟻と蝿 027 The Ant and the Fly. 034 An Ant and a Fly.
074 蟻と螽斯 121 The Ant and the Grashopper. 217 An Ant and a Grasshopper.
075 狡猾なる女

093 A Cunning Woman.
076 病める獅子と狐 142 The Fox and the Sick Lion. 054 A Fox and a Sick Lion.
077 遊び好の犢 058 The Wanton Calf. 249 An Oxe and a Heifer.
078 車力と力の神 056 Hercules and the Carter. 246 A Country-man and Hercules. 57 291
079 植えかえた老木

082 An Old Tree Transplanted. 70
080 腹と四肢 037 The Belly and the Members. 050 The Belly and Members. 26 130
081 馬と獅子 140 The Horse and the Lion. 036 An Asse and a Wolf.
(37 A Hose and a Lion.)

082 農夫と鸛 154 The Husbandman and the Stork. 073 A Husbandman and a Stork. 37 194
083 運命の神と旅人

097 Mercury and a Traveller.
084 猫と鶏 128 The Cat and the Cock. 002 A Cat and a Cock.
085 猿と海豚

169 An Ape and a Dolphin.
086 農夫と蛇 025 The Countryman and the Snake. 009 A Countryman and a Snake. 09 176
087 獅子と牝牛

120 A Lyon and a Bull.
088 豹と狐 059 The Leopard and the Fox. 252 A Fox and a Leopard.
089 迷信者と偶像 113 The Man, and his Wooden God. 105 A Man and a Wooden God. 34 285
090 羊飼と狼 155 The Shepherd's Boy. 074 A Boy and False Alarms. 76 210
091 鷲と矢

048 The Eagle and Arrow.
092 狐と山羊 024 The Fox and the Goat. 083 A Fox and a Goat. 31 9
093 愛の神、死の神 132 Death and Cupid.

094 老人と子供 146 The Old Man and his Sons. 062 A Father and his Sons. 39 53
095 大鹿と小鹿 069 The Stag and the Fawn. 124 A Fawn and a Stag.
096 駱駝と氏神 045 Jupiter and the Camel. 078 A Camel Praying for horns.
097 孔雀の不平 021 The Peacock's Complaint. 080 A Peacock to Juno.
098 尾のない狐 065 The Fox without a Tail. 101 A Fox that lost his Tail.
099 燕と鶫

065 A Thrush and a Swallow.

100 狐と鴉 009 The Fox and the Crow. 013 A Fox and a Raven. 27 124
101 老衰した猟犬 028 The Old Hound. 025 An Old Dog and his Master. 41 532
102 狐と茨 087 The Fox and the Bramble. 102 A Fox and a Bramble.
103 鷹と農夫 131 The Hawk and the Farmer.

104 獅子と狐と狼

156 A Lyon, fox, and a Wolfe
105 乳母と狼 039 The Nurse and the Wolf. 219 A Nurse and a Wolf.
106 兎と亀 159 The Hare and the Tortoise. 133 A Hare and a Tortoise. 16 226
107 青年と猫 162 The Young Man and his Cat. 061 A Cat and Venus. 65 50
108 炭焼夫と洗濯夫 076 The Collier and the Fuller. 064 A Collier and a Fuller. 29 29
109 獅子の皮を着た驢馬 042 The Ass in the Lion's Skin.
cf.178 The Fox and the Ass.
224 An Ass and a Lyon's Skin. 13 358
110 猟師と笛

109 A Fisherman and his Pipe.
111 山岳鳴動 026 The Mountains in Labour. 023 A Mountain in Labour. 40 520
112 猟師の失望

112 Fishermen Disappointed.
113 森の神と旅人 055 The Satyr and the Traveller. 243 A Man and a Satyr.
114 病気の鳶 029 The Sick Kite. 017 A Sick Kite and her Mother.
115 鷹と鶯 064 The Hawk and the Nightingale. 343 A Nightingale and a Hawk.
116 釣魚者と小魚 071 The Angler and the Little Fish. 216 A Fisherman and a Little Fish.
117 鵞鳥と鶴 137 The Geese and the Cranes.

118 犬の影 005 The Dog and the Shadow. 006 A Dog and a Shadow. 05 133
119 驢馬と小犬 124 The Ass and the Little Dog. 015 An Asse and a Whelp. 46 91
120 狐と鰐魚

103 A Fox and a Crocodile.
121 狼と鶴 007 The Wolf and the Crane. 008 A Wolf and a Crane. 07 156
122 猜む人、慾張人 135 The Envious Man and the Covetous. 238 A Covetous Man and an Envious.
123 駱駝

070 A Camel at First Sight.
124 二つの壷 048 The Two Pots. 229 Two Pots. 30 378
125 燕と鴉

161 A Swallow and a Crow.
126 狐と鶴 012 The Fox and the Stork. 031 A Fox and a Stork. 56 426
127 桃と林檎と木苺

135 A Peach, an Apple,
and a Blackberry.

128 熊と蜂巣 126 The Bear and the Bee Hives. 290 A Bear and Bees. 24
129 旅行家の大言 074 The Boasting Traveller. 085 A Bragging Traveller. 72 33
130 旅人と熊 046 The Travellers and the Bear. 227 Two Friends and a Bear.
131 囚われの喇叭手 158 The Trumpeter taken Prisoner. 067 A Trumpeter taken Prisoner. 45 370
132 鷓鴣と軍鶏 061 The Partridge and the Cocks. 084 Cocks and a Partridge. 66 23
133 鷹匠と鷓鴣 148 The Falconer and the Partridge. 132 A Fowler and a Partridge.

134 鷲と鴉 134 The Eagle and the Crow. 075 An Eagle and a Daw. 38 2
135 獅子と驢馬と狐 144 The Lion, the Ass, and the Fox. 206 A Lyon, Ass and Fox.
136 狐と葡萄 022 The Fox and the Grapes. 129 A Fox and Grapes. 19 15
137 馬と鹿 034 The Hose and the Stag. 056 A Boar and a Horse.
(57 A Stag and a Horse.)
23 269
138 飛魚と海豚 063 The Thunny and the Dolphin. 090 A Thunny and a Dolphin. 80 113
139 飼犬と盗 107 The Thief and the Dog. 021 A Dog and a Thief. 58 403
140 青年と燕 070 The Young Man and the Swallow. 127 A Young Man and a Swallow.
141 黄金の卵 057 The Man and his Goose. 247 A Hen and Golden Eggs. 04 87
142 犬と狼 019 The Dog and the Wolf. 068 A Dog and a Wolfe. 62 346
143 木と樵夫 033 The Wood and the Clown. 046 An Axe and a Forest. 51 cf.302
144 獅子の最期 145 The Old Lion. 014 An Old Lion.
145 大言を吐く騾馬 092 The Mule. 118 A Boasting Mule.
146 荷を負うた驢馬と馬 164 The Horse and the loaded Ass. 063 a Laden Asse and a Horse. 60 181
147 二羽の闘鶏 182 The Fighting Cocks. 123 Two Cocks Fighting. 17 281
148 老人と死神 066 The Old Man and Death. 113 Death and a Old Man. 35 60
149 野猪と驢馬
014 The Boar and the Ass.
cf.11 A Lion and a Asse cf.
150 孔雀と鵲 150 The Peacock and the Magpye. 204 A Peacock and a Pye.
151 森の番人と獅子 054 The Forester and the Lion 240 A Lyon and a Man. 77 284
152 獅子の恋慕 067 The Lion in Love. 121 A Lyon in Love.
153 池畔の鹿 008 The Stag looking into the Water. 043 A Stag Drinking. 43 74
154 蜜蜂の主

166 A Bee-Master.
155 牛小屋の鹿 018 The Stag in the Ox-Stall. 053 The Stag and the Oxen. 52 492
156 鳩と蟻 133 The Dove and the Ant. 203 An Ant and a Pigeon.
157 猿と狐 093 The Fox and the Ape. 116 An Ape and a Fox. 75 81
158 亀と鷲 040 The Tortoise and the Eagle. 220 An Eagle and a Tortoise. 15 230
159 蝙蝠と茨と鵜

144 A Bat, Bramble, and Cormorant.
160 守護神と牧畜者 181 Jupiter and the Herdsman. 200 Jupiter and a Herds-Man.

付録 ぱんちゃたんとら(一名印度御伽噺)

Pan: パンチャタントラ アジアの民話12 田中於莵弥・上村勝彦訳 大日本絵画
Hito:: ヒトーパデーシャ 処世の教え   ナーラーヤナ 著 金倉 圓照  北川 秀則 訳 岩波文庫
Kali: カリーラとディムナ  菊池淑子 訳 平凡社
サキャ:  サキャ格言集  今枝 由郎 訳 岩波文庫
Laf :  ラ・フォンテーヌ 寓話 今野一雄 訳 岩波文庫
壺の中の女:呉天竺三蔵康僧会旧雑譬喩経 西村正身 羅黨興 訳 渓水社
グリム童話集 金田鬼一 訳 岩波文庫
Pe: Aesopica Ben Edwin Perry
AT: Aarne-Thompson Type index
TMI: Aarne-Thompson Motif-Index
01 兎のはなし Pan 1.08 獅子と兎  Hito2.09.1 kali 01.06 サキャ25 AT 92, TMI K1715.1
02 駱駝のはなし Pan 1.11 獅子と虎とジャッカルと駱駝 Hito 4.5.1 Kali 01.09
cf.Laf 07.01 ペストにかかった動物たち Pe452、628 , TMI U11.1
03 人の口 Pe721粉屋と息子とロバ Laf03.01 AT 1215 TMI J1041.2
04 二十日鼠のはなし Hito 4.2 虎なった鼠
05a 鶴のはなし(鷺と蟹) Pan 1.07鷺と蟹(第6話の挿話) Kali 01.05.1 Laf 10.03 魚たちと鵜 AT 231 TMI J657.3, K815
05b 鶴のはなし(鶴と蛇と狐) Pan 1.06 鴉の夫婦と黒い蛇とジャッカル Hito 2.09 Kali 01.05 
06 亀の子のはなし Pan 1.13 亀と二羽の白鳥 Hito 4.1 Kali 01.10.1 サキャ93 Laf 10.02 カメと二羽のカモメ
壺の中の女39a よけいなことをして墜死した亀
今昔物語5.24 亀、鶴の教えを信ぜず地に落ち甲を破る語
AT 225A, 1250B TMI A23121.1, A22145.1, J657.2
07 狐のはなし Pan 4.15 狡猾なジャッカル
08 蛇のはなし Cf. Pe51農夫と蛇 Pe573a 573
09 命の長さ グリム童話 KHM 176 じゅみょう cf.Pe 105 人間の寿命 AT 173, 828 TMI A1321

