
意拾喩言 対照表

意拾喩言 対照表

意拾喩言: Esop's Fables Mun mooy Seen-Shang, His Puple Sloth. (Robert Thom) 1840
漢訳伊蘇普譚: 阿部弘國 訓点 青山清吉 刊行 明治9年 1876
L'Estrange: Fables of Aesop and other Eminent Mythologists.
by Sir Roger L'Estrange London 1699.
Pe: Aesopica Ben Edwin Perry 

漢訳イソップ集 内田慶市 編著 ユニウス
イソップ資料 創刊号 2011.3 吉見孝夫
イソップ寓話集 中務哲郎 訳 岩波文庫

no. 意拾喩言 no. 漢訳伊蘇普譚 意拾喩言 英語サブタイトル no. L'Estrange Pe
01 豺烹羊 01 豺害羊 The Wolf and the Lamb 003 A Wolf and a Lamb. 155
02 雞公珍珠 02 鶏公珍珠 The Cock and the Precious-stone. 001 A COCK AND A DIAMOND. 503
03 獅熊争食 03 獅熊争食 The Lion ad the Bear contending for the spoil. 005 A Lion and a Bear. 147
04 鵞生金蛋 04 鵞生金蛋 The Goose that laid the Golden eggs. 247 A Hen and Golden Eggs. 87
05 犬影 05 犬影 The Dog and the Shadow. 006 A Dog and a Shadow. 133
06 獅驢同猟 06 獅驢同猟 The Lion and the Ass hunting together. 007 A Lion, an Ass, &c. a Hunting. 339
07 豺求白寉 73 豺求白鶴 The Wolf and the Stork. 008 A Wolf and a Crane. 156
08 二鼠 07 二鼠 The Country mouse and the Town mouse. 011 A City Mouse
and a Country Mouse.
09 農夫救蛇 08 農夫救蛇 The Countryman and the Snake. 009 A Countryman and a Snake. 176
10 獅驢争気 09 獅驢争気 The Contention of the Ass and the Lion. 010 A Lion and a Asse 484
11 獅蚊比藝 10 獅蚊比藝 The Lion and the Gnat. 201 A Gnat Challenges a Lion. 255
12 狼受犬騙 11 狼受犬騙 The little Dog and the Wolf. 119 A Dog and a Wolf. 134
13 驢穿獅皮 12 驢穿獅皮 The Ass and the Lion's skin. 224 An Ass and a Lyon's Skin. 358
14 鴉挿仮毛 13 鴉挿仮毛 The Daw and the Borrowed Feathers. 033 A Daw and Borrow'd Feathers. 101
15 鷹亀 14 鷹亀 The Eagle and the Tortoise. 220 An Eagle and a Tortoise. 230
16 亀兎 15 亀兎 The Hare and the Tortoise. 133 A Hare and a Tortoise. 226
17 雞闘 16 闘鶏 The Two Cocks. 123 Two Cocks Fighting. 281
18 黒白狗母 17 黒白狗母 The Two Bitches. 323 A Bitch ready to Puppy. 480
19 狐指罵蒲提 18 狐指罵蒲提 The Fox and the Grapes. 129 A Fox and Grapes. 15
20 孩子打蛤 19 孩子打蛤 The Boys and the Frogs. 398 Boys and Frogs. cf.485
21 蛤母水牛 20 蛤母水牛 The Frog and the Ox. 035 A Frog and an Oxe. 376
22 鷹猫猪同居 21 鷹猫猪同居 The Eagle, Cat, and Sow. 403 The Eagle, Cat and Sow. 488
23 馬思報鹿仇 22 馬思報鹿仇 The Horse, the Stag, and the Man. 057 A Stag and a Horse.
(56.A Boar and a Horse.)
24 蜂針人熊 23 蜂針人熊 The Bear and the Bees. 290 A Bear and Bees.
25 猟戸逐兎 24 猟戸逐兎 The Gardener, the Huntsman and Hare. 387 A Gard'ner and his Landlord.
26 四肢反叛 25 四肢反叛 The Belly and Members. 050 The Belly and Members. 130
27 鴉狐 26 鴉狐 The Fox and Raven. 013 A Fox and a Raven. 124
28 裁縫戯法 27 裁縫戯法 The Tailor and Mountebank.
cf.374. A Fox and a Cat. cf.605
29 洗染布各業 28 洗染布各業 The Dyer and Fuller. 064 A Collier and a Fuller. 29
30 瓦鉄欫同行 29 瓦鉄欫同行 The Iron pot and the Earthen pot. 229 Two Pots. 378
31 狐與山羊 30 狐與山羊 The Fox and the Goat. 083 A Fox and a Goat. 9
32 牛狗同群 31 牛狗同群 The Dog in the Manger. 076 A Dog in a Manger. 702
33 眇鹿失計 32 眇鹿失計 The one-eyed Stag. 147 A Stag with One Eye. 75
34 愚夫求財

The Man and his Image. 105 A Man and a Wooden God. 285
35 老人悔死

The Old-man and Death. 113 Death and a Old Man. 60
36 齋人妻妾 33 齋人妻妾 The Simpleton and his Two Wives. 141 A Man and Two Wives. 31
37 鴈鶴同網 36 鴈鶴同網 The Fowler, Wild Geese, and Stork. 073 A Husbandman and a Stork. 194
38 鴉効鷹能 37 鴉効鷹能 The Eagle and the Daw. 075 An Eagle and a Daw. 2
39 束木譬喩 38 束木譬喩 The Old man, his Sons, and the Bundle of Rods. 062 A Father and his Sons. 53
40 大山懐孕 39 大山怪異 The Mountain in Labour. 023 A Mountain in Labour. 520
41 猟主責犬 40 猟主責犬 The Huntsman and Hound. 025 An Old Dog and his Master. 532
42 戦馬欺驢 41 戦馬欺驢 The Ass and War-Horse. 038 A Horse and an Asse. 565
43 鹿照水 42 鹿照水 The Stag and his Horns. 043 A Stag Drinking. 74
44 雞抱蛇蛋 43 鶏抱蛇蛋 The Hen, the Snake's eggs and the Swallow. 195 A Hen and a Swallow. 192
45 鼓手辯理 44 鼓手辯理 The Trumpeter (sinice Drummer) taken Prisoner. 067 A Trumpeter taken Prisoner. 370
46 驢犬妬寵 45 驢犬妒寵 The Ass and Lap-dog. 015 An Asse and a Whelp. 91
47 報恩鼠 72 報恩鼠 The Lion and the Mouse. 016 A Lion and a Mouse. 150
48 蛤求北帝

The Frogs beg Jupiter for a King. 019 The Frogs Chuse a King. 44
49 毒蛇咬銼 46 毒蛇咬銼 The Viper and the File. 044 A Snake and a File. 93
50 羊與狼盟 47 羊與狼盟 The Treaty of the Wolves and Sheep. 045 A League betwixt the Wolves
and the Sheep.
51 斧頭求柄 48 斧頭求柄 The Axe in want of a Handle. 046 An Axe and a Forest. cf.302
52 鹿求牛救 49 鹿求牛救 The Stag, the Oxen, and their Master. 053 The Stag and the Oxen. 492
53 鹿入獅穴 50 鹿入獅穴 The Lion and the Stag. 148 A Stag and a Lyon. 76
54 日風相賭 51 日風相賭 The contention of the Sun and the Wind. 223 The Sun and the Wind. 46
55 農夫遺訓 52 農夫遺訓 The Old man at the point of death and his Sons. 108 A Father and his Sons. 42
56 狐鶴相交 53 狐鶴相交 The Fox and the Stork. 031 A Fox and a Stork. 426
57 車夫求佛

The Waggoner and Hercules. 246 A Country-man and Hercules. 291
58 義犬吠盗 54 義犬吠盗 The honest Dog and the Thieves. 021 A Dog and a Thief. 403
59 鳥悞靠魚 55 鳥悞靠魚 The Treaty of the Birds and Fishes. 274 A League of Beasts and Fishes. cf.145
60 驢馬同途 56 驢馬同途 The Horse and the Ass. 063 a Laden Asse and a Horse. 181
61 驢不自量

The Ass and the Image. 487 An Ass Carrying an Image. 182
62 訓犬野狼 57 訓犬野狼 The House-Dog and the Wolf. 068 A Dog and a Wolfe. 346
63 狼計不行 34 狼計不行 The Sow and the She-Wolf 022 A Wolf and a Sow 547
64 狼断羊案 58 狼断羊案 The Wolf, the Dog, the Eagle, the Kite,
and the Sheep.
029 A Dog, a Sheep, and a Wolf. 478
65 愚夫癡愛

The Foolish Swain and his Cat. 061 A Cat and Venus. 50
66 鶏鴣同飼 59 鶏鴣同飼 The Cocks and the Partridge. 084 Cocks and a Partridge. 23
67 縦子自害 60 縦子自害 The Unnatural Son. 098 A Boy and his Mather. 200
68 指頭露奸 61 指頭露奸 The Fox and the Farmer. 104 A Fox and Huntsmem. 22
69 鴉欺羊善 62 鴉欺羊善 The Raven and the Sheep. 077 A Sheep and a Crow. 553
70 業主貪心 63 業主貪心 The Avaricious Landlord disappointed. 082 An Old Tree Transplanted.
71 杉葦剛柔 64 杉葦剛柔 The Oak and the Willow. 215 An Oak and a Willow. 70
72 荒唐受駁 65 荒唐受駁 The Boasting Traveller reproved. 085 A Bragging Trvbeller. 33
73 意拾勧世 66 伊蘇普勧世 Esop decries the use of Torture.

74 野猪自護 67 野猪自護 The Wild-Boar and the Wolf. 319 A Boar and a Fox. 224
75 猴君狐臣 68 猴君狐臣 The Beasts elect a King. 116 An Ape and a Fox. 81
76 牧童説謊 69 牧童説謊 The Shepherd-boy and the Wolf. 074 A Boy and False Alarms. 210
77 人獅論理

The Lion and the Man. 240 A Lyon and a Man. 284
78 鼠防猫害 70 鼠防猫害 The Rats wish to Bell the Cat. 491 Mice, Cat and a Bell. 613
79 星者自悞 71 星者自悞 The Fortune-teller duped. 092 A Fortune-Teller. 161
80 鰍鱸皆亡

The Thunny and Dolphin. 090 A Thunny and a Dolphin. 113
81 老蠏訓子 35 老蟹訓子 The Old Crab and the Young Crab. 221 An Old Crab and a Young. 322
82 真神見像

Mercury and the Sculptor. 170 Mercury and a Statuary. 88

